Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Debashish Biswas Has New Lease on Life with Cardiac Bypass Surgery India

Debashish Biswas is 55 years old from Bangladesh had been living a normal healthy life until a little while back, when he started to have shortness of breath. He started feeling exhausted after walking up to some distances. When he consulted a physician near him, he was suspected to have cardiac issues. Therefore, he was advised to have certain investigations including an angiogram. The angiogram revealed severe obstruction in multiple blood vessels to the heart. Consequently, he was recommended to get CABG done.

cardiac bypass surgery India

Due to limited resources in Bangladesh, the patient wanted low cost cardiac surgery India. While searching about the cardiac bypass surgery India, he came across the website of Indian health guru consultant. He posted the query regarding the treatment on the website. Soon he was called by a case manager, who explained everything to him in detail. The case manager asked for the reports of the patient and shared it with the leading hospitals. Soon after, the case manager shared the opinion with the patient as received by the topmost cardiac surgeons in India. Finally, Debashish was able to decide with the help of the case manager, that he would go for cardiac bypass surgery India.

This was followed by the entire paperwork process that included getting the Visa Invitation Letter by the hospital, which was done by a team member. After completion of the entire paperwork, the patient finally arrived in India. As he arrived, he was picked up from the airport and taken to the hotel. His hotel stay was also arranged by Indian health guru consultant. It was booked on the basis of his closest proximity to the hotel; ease of commuting and also on my other preferences. Later his appointment was booked with the best cardiac surgeon, who was very renowned globally; the doctor took a detailed case history of the patient and ordered a few cardiac investigations, which confirmed that the patient had a massive blockage in multiple arteries. Finally, the date for surgery was decided.

On the scheduled date, all the pre-operative examinations were carried out, to prepare the patient for the surgery. The patient was put on general anesthesia and cardiac bypass surgery India went on for 3-4 hours and went successfully. He stayed in the hospital for nearly 10 days. The surgery went on placidly. I stayed in ICU under the observation for a few days before getting discharged. The doctor also explained to me in detail about the post-operative lifestyle changes that I would need to make after going back. With each passing day, he could feel himself regaining his strength once again. Doctor visited Debashish each day and gave him a prescription of new drugs and recommended lifestyle changes including diet and more exercise. He was happy and contented with his successful treatment and overall services. Six days after being discharged after undergoing low cost cardiac surgery India, “I feel much better now, I think I can even cross the road from the hospital without anyone’s help.”

After close to two weeks in India, Debashish finally made his way back to his home country. “I really liked being in India, there are so many memories I will take back with me. The food in the canteen was a bit spicy for my taste; however, my meals served were very tasty. The people are very friendly here and always willing to help.” When asked about his feedback for Indian health guru consultant he says: “It is a very essential and necessary service that people in Bangladesh should know about. My entire visit was great. Everything was arranged by Indian health guru consultant and went on systemically. It was hassle-free. Moreover, the treatment in the hospital went well and successful. The entire staff was co-operative and sensitive to all my requirements. Thanks to the team and the hospital for providing low cost cardiac surgery India. I will do my best to spread the word about Indian health guru consultant.”

Thank you,

Mr. Debashish

From Bangladesh

Read Also Tanzanian Patient’s Affordable Pediatric Cardiac Surgery

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