Mrs. Svetlana Pavlov from Russia being pregnant had been blissfully ordinary till a prenatal ultrasound showed
that her amniotic fluid—crucial for life within the womb—turned into at a
dangerously low level. This counseled issues with the infant’s urinary
tract. Weeks passed, and the Mrs. Pavlov
kept asking questions, researching treatment alternatives and praying. That’s
when a friend suggested they search for a second opinion. After talking to many
hospitals and pediatric urologists in Russia none of them were ready to take the
responsibility of success birth and survival after the birth.
Hence, Mrs. Pavlov wanted to get the treatment
done, so they searched on the internet, they found out about India laparoscopy
surgery site. They posted a query on the website, after which she was contacted
by the case manager, who assisted the family in everything from deciding
the best pediatric urologist in
India to best child hospital for pediatric urology surgery
completing all the paperwork that was essential for their travel. Mr. and Mrs.Pavlov
finally arrived in Mumbai India. They went for consultation the very next day, after
undergoing enormous testing in the morning, they met with the whole
team—approximately seven physicians from diverse pediatric specialties, in
addition to nurses and different providers.
“The surgeon informed us he probably had something
called bladder outlet obstruction that could be because of a disorder known as posterior
urethral valves (PUV). We were been informed that the baby’s kidney or lungs
could fail as soon as he was born. However they also said they would do the anything
to deal with his condition, and that’s all we needed to listen. As those were
by last days of pregnancy we decided to get our child delivered at the best child hospital in Mumbai. Sergei Pavlov was born through cesarean phase several days later, and immediately transferred to the newborn intensive
care unit. Testing showed the analysis of PUV, the flaps block the normal
flow of urine, which could harm organs along with the bladder and kidneys. Sergei
had a specifically severe form of the ailment.
During in the primary
two weeks of Sergei’s life, Dr. A. K. Singal Best Pediatric urologist in Mumbai did two surgical procedures: first
one as to alleviate the blockage and in the other a catheter was placed that
would drain urine constantly through opening in Sergei’s abdomen. “PUV was
inflicting so many issues with Sergei’s bladder and kidneys that the care team
wasn’t positive he would live,” Svetlana stated. “But anyhow, Vladimir and that
I have been positive—we knew Sergei was in good hands. I remember the day Dr. A. K. Singal best pediatric urology surgeon
in Mumbai India got to us and instructed us Sergei was going to make it. Sergei
was two weeks old and the doctors were already talking about giving him the best
quality of life possible into adulthood.”
For the following two years, the Pavlov
family traveled back and forth from their home in Russia to India, where Dr. A.
K. Singal best pediatric urology surgeon
in India, worked together to monitor Sergei’s condition and provide
treatment as needed. Sergei would pee on his own only after his second birthday
he’s proud to pee on his own, like other little boys do.
Despite the amazing progress Sergei has made,
he has traveled an extended way from being a significantly ill preemie to a
healthy, glad and active four year old. “Dr. A. K. Singal calls him ‘Sergei the
Matador,’ because he’s such a fighter—I love that!” Dr. A. K. Singal, best
child hospital in Mumbai for pediatric urology surgery and India laparoscopy
surgery service are so much focused on helping your infant do as well as
possible. They have taught us a lot about how is caring for Sergei’s clinical
needs, and feature supported us each step of the way.”
Thanks Once Again,
Svetlana Pavlov
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