Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Nigerian Boluwatife’s Story Could Help Bring Hope to Others Offered By Dr. Rakesh Khera

“It’s been said that to conquer cancer, the patient should to have confidence. Dr. Rakesh Khera top urologist in Medanta Gurgaon instilled that confidence within me. Today on my 56th birthday in January 2019, my wife, Adatuma, and I enjoy spending time together after fighting a successful battle with bladder cancer in India.

In advance that October I had noticed blood in my urine, which induced me to immediately my doctor. My doctor in Nigeria sent me for a urinalysis that day and also prescribed an antibiotic due to the fact he suspected I had some type of infection. After a second urinalysis few days later found out microscopic levels of blood in my urine, he scheduled me for an ultrasound, the outcomes revealed the mass, and weeks later the biopsy showed bladder cancer. The advice was I would need to have surgery to remove my bladder. I decided I needed a second opinion.
With so many futile medical attempts in my own country Nigeria, One of my friends told me to drop an enquiry in India laparoscopy surgery services website and that I may get my answers,. As told by my friend, I received an answer from one of the patient managers of the company who guided me and gave me several recommendations of the best urologic cancer surgeons in India and I choose to get my treatment by Dr. Rakesh Khera top urologist in Medanta Gurgaon as his profile was very impressive, Though initially skeptical, I gradually started trusting my patient manager after a few telephone conversations then he connected me to Dr. Rakesh Khera after speaking to him about my concerns and treatment options I felt that I can trust them, when I heard his opinion, I was assured he would be the best choice for me. Then I arrived in India, my patient manager picked me and my wife from the airport, provided us with a comfortable accommodation and took care that we weren’t feeling uncomfortable in anyway.

My first appointment was with Dr. Rakesh Khera top urologist in Medanta Gurgaon. He was calm, professional, assured, and responsive. Since I walked into his office, I was little nervous, however he confident me that everything was going to be OK. He explained the diagnosis and advocated a course of chemotherapy earlier than any surgical procedure. Dr. Rakesh Khera began my treatment with 3 rounds of chemotherapy, which I finished the following month. He's a physician who genuinely cares about his patients. He explained in full detail what I could expect during chemotherapy, and he answered all of my questions. Then my radical cystectomy to remove my bladder was performed and constructed a urinary diversion for a new bladder, referred to as an Indiana pouch reservoir, to allow urine to leave my body. I am grateful every day for the care I got from Dr. Rakesh Khera, and the whole staff of Medanta Gurgaon. If not for their expertise, dedication, caring doctors and nurse, I probably would not be here to tell my story.

Happy and cured of my illness after my 1 month’s medical tour in India extended I send my gratitude to India laparoscopy surgery service they had been by my side at every step of my treatment. They provided a comfortable accommodation for me and my wife. They have been very understanding and amiable. I loved their hospitality and in reality advise them to friends in my country. It’s because not only that India laparoscopy surgery service helps you to get the fine treatment but India too is a country that includes a number of the best doctors and hospitals; their patient care facilities are commendable. It's been stated that to beat cancers, the patient should feel confident. Dr. Rakesh Khera instilled that confidence inside me and I can't thank him sufficient. His calming presence was a blessing for me.”

Thank You
Boluwatife Eze

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