Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Arlo Lee from UK Underwent Corneal Transplant’s Transformative Effect in India

“My name is Arlo Lee, I’m a divorced father of two beautiful. I’ve been a certified funeral director and embalmer for 31 years. My hobbies are baseball and reading books. I observed the eyesight in my right becoming into blurry approximately 15 years ago. A few years later I was identified with keratoconus by using an ophthalmologist on the outpatient clinic in Peterborough, United Kingdom.

The condition simply affected my life in so many approaches. I would squint a lot that people would ask me what was wrong. It was simply embarrassing. Components of my job are very exceptional and detailed, much like surgeons. With my eyesight adore it was, I had lots of problem differentiating anatomical structures. I used to be in end degree of keratoconus and my cornea was absolutely cloudy. All through the eye examination, I could only see finger motions with my right eye. She informed me that I had to have a corneal transplant, and I was referred to India by my friend. There was no looking back after that!!! So I started searching on Google for eye cornea transplant surgery in India, and that is when I came across one name India organ transplant consultant where the testimonials of patients increased my confidence and immediately contacted them by filling the form given on the website and they reverted back within 24 hours which really surprised how dedicated the team was in taking caring of their patients.

India organ transplant consultant helped me out in consulting with the hospital and the doctor. I sincerely feel that I did the right thing in enquiring a about my condition of their website because they're ones who showed me the proper path. India organ transplant consultant has helped me with everything that I required for my medical experience in India. They provided me with the best cornea transplant surgeon in India and hospital, cost of the treatment, guided me in visa application. They were constantly in touch with me. Regardless of the fact that this is my first visit, I didn’t have worry about wherein I’m going to stay, how I will find the hospital or my schedule of appointment with the physician. They guided me and helped me in the course of and I’m very thankful to them.

After consulting the doctor it was appropriate eye surgeon informed me that I need to undergo a transplant as there was deterioration in the outermost layer of the cornea so on I had a full thickness eye cornea transplant surgery in India executed. The surgery went very well without any risks or complications. I got well-adjusted with my cornea and steroid eye drops for anti-rejection. After my surgery my life has been dramatically changed. The colors, edges and shapes of everything are more brilliant. It has supposed the world to me and my family to have my sight back. Eye cornea transplant surgery in India has transformed my sight completely. I suffered from Keratoconus and if I had not had the transplant done on both eyes, I would have not been able to see at all. 

India is an excellent destination for ophthalmology treatments and they possess the best cornea treatment hospitals in India. It carries all of the latest equipment required for a sophisticated analysis accompanied via remedy. I am thankful to India organ transplant consultant team for alleviating me from this stressful ordeal that I was going through for approximately a year now. My entire visit was great. Everything was arranged by India organ transplant consultant and went on systematically. It was hassle-free. Moreover, eye cornea transplant surgery in India went well and successful. The entire staff was co-operative and sensitive to all my requirements. Thanks to the India organ transplant consultant team for their tremendous support.

Thank you,
Arlo Lee

More Success Stories of India Organ Transplant Group: Brazilian Women Cornea TransplantSurgery in India

1 comment:

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